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K-12 Faith Formation Registration Form 2024-2025

Date of Registration
Are both parents Catholic? Yes/No
Children Live with:
Both Parents

IMPORTANT NOTE: If this is the first year that your child is attending faith formation classes at Saint James Catholic Church and he/she was NOT baptized at Saint James, please provide a copy of your child's Baptismal Certificate.

Below, please provide information for your children who will be participating in our faith formation sessions during the school year. 

If you are registering a child in Grades 6-12, please provide an email address and cell phone number specific to each child.  These data fields enable us to register our middle and high schoolers in the Life Teen platform and in our GroupMe accounts.

Child #1

1. Sex
1. Grade K-12
1. Select Sacraments Received:
1. Date of Baptism
1. Date of 1st Communion
1. Date of Confirmation
1. Select a T-Shirt Size
Youth Small
Youth Medium
Youth Large
Youth X-Large
Adult Small
Adult Medium
Adult Large
Adult X-Large

Child #2

2. Sex
2. Grade K-12
2. Select Sacraments Received:
2. Date of Baptism
2. Date of 1st Communion
2. Date of Confirmation
2. Select a T-Shirt Size
Youth Small
Youth Medium
Youth Large
Youth X-Large
Adult Small
Adult Medium
Adult Large
Adult X-Large

Child #3

3. Sex
3. Grade K-12
3. Select Sacraments Received:
3. Date of Baptism
3. Date of 1st Communion
3. Date of Confirmation
3. Select a T-Shirt Size
Youth Small
Youth Medium
Youth Large
Youth X-Large
Adult Small
Adult Medium
Adult Large
Adult X-Large

Child #4

4. Sex
4. Grade K-12
4. Select Sacraments Received:
4. Date of Baptism
4. Date of 1st Communion
4. Date of Confirmation
4. Select a T-Shirt Size
Youth Small
Youth Medium
Youth Large
Youth X-Large
Adult Small
Adult Medium
Adult Large
Adult X-Large

PHOTO PERMISSION - Effective September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025

There are times when special events occur as part of our Faith Formation Program. During these events, we often take photos of the participating students. We would like to occasionally place these pictures on the church website and/or use for other church publicity.

Please select an option:

By selecting this option, I GIVE permission to have pictures taken of my child/children during faith formation activities that may be used on the Saint James Catholic Church website or for other publicity.
By selecting this option, I DO NOT GIVE permission for pictures taken of my child/children during faith formation activities to be used on the Saint James Catholic Church website or for other forms of publicity.


Select an Option:
One Child - $65
Two Children - $110
Three Children - $155
Four Children - $195

Registration fees are payable in the form of cash, check or Venmo. Credit card payments are not accepted due to associated processing fees. Checks should be made payable to Saint James Catholic Church. You may also pay via Venmo @St_James_GPT or scan the Venmo QR code in the bulletin/pew card. Please make sure to notate "Faith Formation Registration Fee" on your payment. Registration will not be complete until the registration fee has been received. For those experiencing financial difficulties, please contact Linda Hebert at or call the

Parish Office 228-896-6059.

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